Vehicle Spy3新版发布了,如下是Release notes,如需Vehicle Spy3软件升级服务可联系: icsshenzhen@intrepidcs.com或者致电0755-82723212获得咨询。


-Fixed abnormal terminations when connecting to specific ECU’s using XCP over Ethernet
-Fixed an issue with message decodings in the Messages view
-Fixed an issue with the Messages Editor where the user could lock themselves out of Filters
-Fixed an issue with the Message Viewer in Graphical Panels causing an AV when displaying UDP frames.
-Fixed issue where RADGalaxy would get stuck booting
-Fire2 now properly works with XCP over Ethernet in Vehicle Spy and CoreMini
-DHCP Server now gives out correct addresses
-Fixed issue with Expand button in Messages view
-Bus Query report no longer missing single frame DTC’s
-Going online with XCP over Ethernet no longer causes Vehicle Spy 3 to crash
-Fixed issues when opening specific .VS3ZIP files
-Users can no longer delete messages when ‘Online’ in Vehicle Spy
-Fixed issue with Standalone logging not switching between logging modes properly
-Fixed issue with Flexray Tx frames not decoding properly in the messages view
-Fixed issue with icsneo40.dll failing icsneoSetDeviceSettings()
-Build type changed to Stable
-Fixed ARXML issue with loading multiple databases to multiple Broad-R networks.
-Added virtual UDP network
-Added virtual AUTOSAR network
-Fixed issue when extracting logged data between specified times
-Fixed OLE Error when opening Vehicle Spy
-Fixed EEFACE Error when extracting CCP Data
-Fixed general extractor issues
-Fixed issues with data extraction from the Rad Galaxy
-Fixed intermittent CPU deadlock during heavy use of ISO15765-2 messages
-Fixed frame spacing for 15765-2 transmit messages when using hardware acceleration
-Increased the number of PASS Filters in J2534
-Fixed BR filtering issues in Rad Galaxy
-Fixed issue where Rad Galaxy could only recieve messages on the 1st and 2nd BroadR Channels
-Fixed encryption issues related to VehicleScape DAQ logging in the Fire2
-Fixed Converted C Code projects crashing when interacting with the Graphical Panel in simulation mode
-Fixed issues when trying to trasmit TCP messages
-Fixed access violation when generating specific Standalone Logging scripts
-Fixed potential divide by zero error in VSA Transfer
-Fixed issue where compiling a CoreMini larger than 64KB will cause VSpy to crash
-Details Tab now decodes DOIP traffic
-DoIP ports are now configurable in VSPY
-Fixed access violation caused when entering a wrong password for an encypted CoreMini file
-Fixed ’empty record’ errors when extracting encrypted data
-Fixed issue with Message BX filter accessing Database messages
-Fixed issue with Message BX value not compiling in function block when using Set Value with a Database Message
-Fixed intermittent VSPY Crashes when compiling CoreMini -Fixed intermittent failures when downloading ISM Toolchain
-SET_DAQ_LIST_MODE command now properly defaults to NO_TIME_STAMP even if A2L file does not specify this
-Improved performace of search in the Selected Channels List in VehicleScape DAQ
-Fixed data extraction issues with Flexray VNET Z
-Added Ethernet PHY Setting Access via Dll for ICS hardware
-Fixed issues with Rad-SuperMoon and RadMoon 2 where A2 PHY would not link with A0 PHY
-Fixed issue with Flexray Vnet Z overflowing Ethernet Tx in coremini will no longer stop the device from transmitting messages
-Fixed error that occurred when attempting to extract data that no longer exists
-Finished Ethernet PHY Dashboard
-Fixed Rad-SuperMoon intermittent Buffer Overflow errors
-Fixed issue where Rad-SuperMoon would stop transmitting messages
-Fixed Rad-SuperMoon intermittent disconnects
-RSM: Device crashes loading Transmit beyond a limit
-Fixed perfomance issues with Rad-SuperMoon A2 with 100Mbps speeds
-Fixed Vehicle Spy Receive buffer overflow problem with Rad-SuperMoon at 100Mbps speeds
-Fixed issue with Rad- Galaxy not recovering after BR tx overflow
-Fixed Rad- Galaxy Transmit/Receive overflow when transmitting on all 12 Broad-R Channels above 9 % busload on each network
-Fixed Rad- Galaxy failing to send 20% Bus load on only One Broad-R network
-Fixed Transmit Buffer overflow error while transmitting frames at rate of 1ms on all 12 Broad-R networks of Rad–Galaxy simultaneously.
-Fixed issue where Rad–Galaxy stops transmitting all CAN and Ethernet messages if Ethernet frames Tx rate is set less than 4ms
-Fixed Rad- Galaxy reporting incorrect link status when BR ports are disconnected manually
-Fixed issue with Rad- Galaxy with OpEth1 network being the only network that functions as Time Sync Master
-Fixed Tx Buffer Overflow issues with Rad- Galaxy and Rad-Star2
-Fixed Gateway Builder not compiling to CoreMini correctly in certain configurations
-Fixed Vehicle Spy “Not Responding” Crash After Using File Conversion VSB to CSV
-Fixed cascading access violation error in Diagnostics — $10 Diagnostic Session Control job
-Vehicle Spy now generates notes file when extracting from file list
-Fixed issue with neoECU 12 not updating changed network settings until reboot
-Fixed Access Violation error when running simulation replay .vsb with video and camera file tap open
-Fixed issue where Capture function blocks append # 1 at end when set to manual trigger, but dont have # 1 when set to immediate trigger
-Fixed network rate statistics calculation
-Message BX Properties are now working properly for Database Messages
-Fixed error when transmitting non-standard ethertypes
-Fixed Function Block scroll bar when using floating panels
-Fixed intermittent Vehicle Spy crash in Simulation Mode with .vsb files
-Fixed Vehicle Spy crashes while using the graphical panel along with the video filter property
-Write DID Text signal value is now displayed correctly
-Fixed error with Runtime version not working in release versions of 900 stating that a Pro or Enterprise license is required
-Fixed Gateway Builder transmit rates
-Fixed Vehicle Spy crashes occuring with specific Gateway Builder configurations
-Fixed XCP A2L is not loading properly
-Fixed issue with Function Blocks not extracting logged data
-Fixed Ethernet issues with FIRE2
-Fixed Flexray VNET crashing when scripts are quickly sent back-to-back
-Fixed crash with icsneo40.dll in cleanup routines due to npcap.
-Fixed issue with DPS Flasher not acting on 7F subfunctions
-Fixed Rad–Galaxy dropping CAN (Non-FD) frames
-Fixed cascading access violation in Diagnostics– $10 Diagnostic Session Control job
-Database fixup now lets users select messages when converting CAPL projects
-Fixed issues with Rad-SuperMoon and Rad-Moon2 dropping frames
-Added Raw Media Converter Mode to Rad-SuperMoon and Rad-Moon2
-Flexray VNETZ recieve data no longer has TX LED in messages view
-Fixed two identical signals producing different scales on signal plot
-Fixed Graphical Panel Bargraph to Slider Error on CoreMini Compile
-DAQ Events in A2L are no longer duplicated in MEP Events
-Fixed issue where MEP decimation was not being saved in some platforms
-ECU Flasher no longer causes “pure virtual function called” crash when pressing start all more than once
-Fixed several MSRP decoding issues
-Fixed DOIP crash in Vehicle Spy
-Fixed issue when deleting device from Select multiple hardware
-Fixed access violation when renaming folders in Application Signals
-Fixed RTSP Video timeout issue
-fixed issue where FTDI devices were failing to enumerate under certain circumstances
-Fixed access violation when reviewing certain log files
-Set Value for Message Length with Ethernet message now sets the proper value
-XCP script generation no longer gives an error
-Fixed excessive extractor progress bar blinking
-Fixed extractor progress bar not resetting after cancelling extraction
-Added support for selected time zone for collection list
-Vehicle Spy transmitting with F2VNET no longer shows network errors after using Function Block to change Selectable Network
-Fixed Flexray Vnet Z locking up on transmit of any ethernet frames
-Flexray VNET will now sleep in Fast wake mode
-KW2K/ ISO 9141/LIN now works on all applicable neoOBD PRO channels
-Fixed crash when receiving extended addressing message in FIRE2 CoreMini
-Forwarded LIN message with wildcard ID now transmits properly in the Gateway Builder
-Payload length and data bytes are now updating correctly in Gateway Builder
-CANFD Message Length property no longer reports DLC instead of length in Coremini
-Fixed issue with Gateway Builder transmitting messages with matching Arb ID instead of matching the entire message
-Pending uploads no longer cleared on script change
-LIN frames are now gated by Gateway Builder when under 8 bytes long
-Gateway Builder: Forwarded LIN messages now adjust length properly
-Exporting Message Formats (ASC/BLF) now read the network list from the Notes.txt file
-Setting the channel name for ASC or BLF to non number no longer creates a bad file when saving the message buffer
-Fixed access violation when Vehicle Spy was using ethernet
-Fixed out of bounds error when right clicking on remove force
-Fixed access violation on close of CoreMini generator during certain connecting state
-Coremini console no longer holds on to every device that you have connected
-CoreMini Compiler is no longer missing earning for unsupported text application signals
-ValueCan4 Coremini error text when trying to send standalone logging is now more accurate
-CoreMini Console no longer throws errors when clearing scripts
-Standalone Logging pre/post collection with FIRE2 and neoVI MIC2 now records correctly
-VividCAN Characters no longer replaced with ~
-Added CAN Fuzzing in Vehicle Spy
-Functional DTC read no longer brings in incorrect DTC in Snapshot
-Fixed access violation in Messages Editor
-TextAPI Terminal no longer adds “.commands?” to argument
-VCAN 4-2 Status LED’s are no longer flipped
-Fixed UART Comm Flow Control between MCHIP and Security Module Chip in ValueCAN 4
-Updated Rad-SuperMoon Connect timeout
-RTC will now update ValueCAN4 with neoVI server ON
-Fixed wrong timestamp showing up for messages after VCAN4 device wakes up
-Rad-SuperMoon no longer goes into bootloader mode if CoreMini window is opened
-VCAN4-2EL no longer gives network not supported by hardware when there is overflow in LIN
-SD Cards bigger than 128GB no longer state “unsupported” in extract menu
-Extractor videos now work in WiVi on windows
-Fixed ‘Problem logging to Disk’ errors on when stopping logging through DAQ PC Logging
-Extractor: Vspy now extracts specified date range correctly
-enable_if now applies to groups and stays on the current tab when regenerating in the nEAT API
-Settings are now written to the device in nEAT API
-CAN message is no longer sent as CANFD using J2534 API if sent immediately after the CANFD message
-Fixed issues with FIRE2 VNET locking up when using ‘Selectable Networks’ in Function Blocks
-Firmware updates of Infineon CPUs on Flex VNETZ now supported
-Flexray Transmit with Flexray VNETZ is now supported
-PWM Output on neoECU12 is now supported
-FIRE2/VCAN4-2EL detects wrong ethernet link speed
-CAPL Conversion now handles all SysVars properly in customer script
-Added custom file indexing format field for adding date, time or index identifiers to output data files
-Fixed Constant Rate not being constant in PC Logged CSV files
-Persistent Application Signal values are no longer incorrect when using CoreMini
-Replay function block flexray data now transmits properly
-TCP transmit now appears in Scroll Mode evem if there is no other traffic
-Exported odx files are now saved in the directory that contains spaces in its name
-Added problems log for TextAPI server port initialization
-LoadFile TextAPI command now returns a result
-Auto update now works on nEAT
-All CAN TX messages no longer have extended ID in C Code Interface
-CAN_ID_EXTENDED_MASK is now defined correctly in C Code Interface
-icsneo40 icsneoGetDeviceSettings/icsneoSetDeviceSettings() now works for multiple devices.
-Display is now refreshed after each selection when using Rad-io Buttons on the Graphical Panel
-XX Hex behavior is now more consistant
-CCP – 1 sec decimation now working as expected
-PassThruOpen API no longer crashes in Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017
-Fixed issues with FIRE2 periodic transmit messages in CoreMini
-Fixed LIN errors causing FIRE2 to deadlock
-Fixed issues with extracting an individual collection using Rad- Galaxy
-Fixed Tx LIN messages in Rad- Galaxy
-Rad- Galaxy now supports LIN logging
-ION with FIRE2 Vnet will no longer disconnect/lock when transmitting LSFT messages in Vehicle Spy 3. CoreMini will now transmit LSFT messages
-Expression Builder right click “Expand All” / “Collapse All” now works in Properties Area
-Fixed issues with Message/Signal selection for input/output panels when dragging mouse to select in Gateway Builder
-Networks panel now allows the hardware to be changed for a selected device
-Fixed Division By Zero error when running a Playback Function Block without a replay file
-Fixed Ethernet Transmit Messages issues with files saved in Vehicle Spy version 3.8.3
-Vehicle Spy no longer loses CPID infomation from CDD files
-Vehicle Spy 3 trial version no longer has access violation if you click the erase button
-Fixed VSpy Baud Rate Mismatch Warning for FIRE VNET
-Product details now shows MAC address or PCB Serial Number for Plasma/ION with FIRE2 or Flexray VNETZ
-CAN protocol with CANFD flag is no longer being combined together in static messages view
-Optimized VehicleScapeDAQ Channel signal character by character search
-Fixed access violation when using Playback Function Block
-Auto-Auto link up now works in Tap mode for Rad-SuperMoon in 1000 base mode
-Changed RS2 LED color used to indicate Logging Mode
-Fixed issue with NeoVI DLL receive messages throwing FIFO Overflow errors when Rad-Star2 receives Ethernet messages (USB only)
-Rad-SuperMoon no longer crashes when going online with Eth1/Eth2 messages if SERVER is OFF
-Fixed different behavior of Master/Slave feature between the Rad-SuperMoon buttons and in neoVI explorer
-Rad-SuperMoon no longer displays wrong network ID in Messages view
-Support for A2 PHY in Rad–SuperMoon
-Fixed Vehicle Spy crash when Supermoon is tapping 200Mbps or higher
-Fixed issue with tapping on Broad-R Eth2 in 100 base mode giving frame short errors on ETH2
-Rad-SuperMoon no longer stops receiving Ethernet messages on switching between the buttons on the devices
-Fixed issue with Vehicle Spy raising undesired error when stopping
-Log Data records can no longer be extracted twice
-Vehicle Spy now loads DIDs from new version of CDD file
-Fixed typo on “Save Monitor Data” Dialog
-Race condition on extractor when switching from device to directory and extracting no longer causes EEFACE
-ECU ‘s are now exported
-Vehicle Spy now has a way to display hex without setting the number of bytes with X’s
-Messages no longer being decoded in Messages View when no Database files are loaded
-Fixed access violation when changing values on MS CAN
-Replay function blocks ‘Skip delays longer than’ feature now works in CoreMini
-Filtering in messages view while online, in scroll mode, and paused no longer causes access violation
-FlexVnetZ no longer fails to send CoreMini to EEPROM
-Coremini sent to EEPROM will now run if SD card is not inserted (FIRE2/FIRE2 VNET)
-vs3exe generator moved from Embedded Tools from Utilities
-Fixed intermittent access violation when adding a new Playback Function Block
-Fixed access violation and Vehicle Spy crash on extracting multiple files
-“Copy Data Bytes” of ethernet messages will now copy the data bytes correctly
-Rad- Galaxy no longer access violated when updating firmware with server on
-Fixed access violation when reflashing FlexRayZ VNET
-Fixed issue with Hardware explorer access violating instead of asking “Is device powered at 25 pin connector?” when trying to connect to device without it being powered
-fixed Remote neoVI connection causing access violations
-Fixed abnormal termination when attempting rs232/uart connection with no device connected
-PID Reads in VehicleScape DAQ CoreMini NeoVI Fire 2 now work correctly
-Vehicle Spy no longer saves a .vs3zip when it says it couldn’t save a VS3Zip
-OR in Expression Builder for Function Blocks is no longer ignoring the sign on negative numbers
-Fixed intermittent Application Signal Text Compare issues
-Setup Log data function block will now reset extension name if you change from load data
-Fixed issues when sending script to CoreMini with PLASMA/ION with server on
-Gateway Builder will now automatically set Ignore Tx Messages when gating entire network
-Fixed Text API “versions?” command triggering access violation
-Fixed issues with tab docking
-Fixed issue where Message view would not filter any Ethernet messages with double VLAN
-Closing VSpy after removal of an a2l file will now save the changes
-Color Filter no longer disappears on adding Find Line Fitler in ROI
-Fixed constant HID resets with Flexray VNETZ
-Fixed issues with Explorer “Load Default Settings” for VividCAN after manual reflash
-Firmware no longer hard-locks on FIRE2 Vnet at wake
-Flexray Vnet Z no longer locks up on extract of log data file
-Fixed issue with being unable to start playback function block after stopping in coremini
-LEDs/beep are now set back to zero when clearing coremini on PLASION
-Re-saving a renamed VS3ZIP will no longer lose the database
-Fixed issues with XCP Standalone polling
-Setup panel no longer overlapping text with windows classic theme in Gateway Builder
-CAN msgs are no longer imported as CANFD when “VFrameFormat” is present in a DBC file
-CoreMini will now replay slave VNET traffic
-Extractor no longer hangs when SD card is full but has not overlapped
-Fixed issue extracting persistent log data over USB/Ethernet
-#1530 DBC import no longer truncates multi-line signal descriptions
-NEAT Linux and firmware Update
-CCP security StandAlone blocks no longer generate invalid expression
-FlexRayVnetZ network settings now displayed correctly in 3G explorer
-Added CANHUB and neoECU12 to neoVI Explorer “Available Firmware” List
-C Code projects created for VS 2019 no longer require conversion
-Female OBDII power now defaults to ON in neoOBD PRO
-Fied Rad-Star 2 Raw Media Converter Mode
-Signal Byte position is now correct in PIDs when importing from PDX
-Connecting to ValueCAN3 or Fire no longer causes access violation in CoreMini window
-We are now decoding all EtherTypes when reviewing Ethernet messages
-Import of Vector message data files (ASC/BLF) now limits the network selections to the ones using the correct protocol for each selection
-Vehicle Spy no longer access violates when you add Bitwise filtering in ‘More Data’ section of a receive message
-Optimized A2L’s with large ‘Group Sections’
-While logging signals at constant rate the pre start trigger is no longer sent before the time specified in the trigger for the first collection
-PassThruWriteMsgs now consider PassThruConnect Flags
-Messages copied to message editor from diagnostics are now available to Function blocks
-Fixed access violation when adding transmit command to function block
-Fixed CAN FD BRS display in Details View
-Vehicle Spy will now account for reserved bytes in DID from ODX/PDX
-Fixed issues with neoVI server and Rad- Galaxy
-J2534 API now allows mixed IDs while flashing
-NeoVIExplorer will now maximize when clicking the icon on task bar once it is minimized
-Fixed issues when copying messages from Ethernet Database to Transmit
-Fixed intermittent Vehicle Spy crashes on close
-Fixed Messages unintentionally changing in Gateway Builder
-Added TextAPI option to only follow TCP Streams which have a matching stack
-Can now rename Gateways in combobox without popup
-Problem Log Improvements
-Added Button to update the ISM tool chain for the existing installation
-$36 job no longer goes out with extra 00s in the beginning of the payload
-Fixed issues with ProtocolSignalDatabaseV2.vsdb
-LwIP no longer Transmits on the wrong VLAN
-ValueCAN3 no longer disables all networks on ‘Load Default Settings’
-fixed access violation in ECU flasher
-ISM Settings: Install button now opens the correct path to intall ISM toolchain
-Fixed issues in device finder
-Selecting a running Playback Function Block no longer causes it to pause
-SoAd jobs can no longer match responses on other networks
-Fixed issues with Ethernet messages in Message Views Details
-Fixed Vehicle Spy not converting database signals correctly
-HTML Log Data no longer results in a malformed HTML file
-Packed BCD signal is now supported in UDS (ISO14229) 2E job
-Clicking on the options “Use Logged Frames in simulation mode” or “filters Enabled in Simulation” multiple times no longer causes the video to disappear
-Video Frame will now refresh when we replay vsb file with video
-DTC import for Keyword 2000 will now support Unicode properly
-Fixed Gateway Builder issues when embedded in Fire
-Fixed MSRP – Talker Failed default signals
-Remove & Clear Buttons Under ISM Settings Tab – C Code now Resize With Window
-Setup Fields now accommodate long message and signal names in Gateway Builder
