Vehicle Spy3的新版本发布了,更新了对新硬件比如neoRAD-IO2, RAD-PLUTO等的支持,加强了对车载以太网测试以及CAN-FD的支持,详细的更改列表如下文所示:
Vehicle Spy 3 version to release notes
-Added a column to the messages editor to distinguish between Ethernet Subtypes
-Added a ‘List all commands’ button in the TextAPI Terminal (functionally equivalent to typing ‘LS’)
-Added a new file ProtocolSignalDatabaseV2.vsdb to the installation directory. This allows support for new ethernet features and allows backwards compatibility for older versions looking for V1
-Added a new property for Text signals: Length in Bits
-Added a right click menu option for Expand / Collapse All in Setup Filter
-Added a TextAPI command to return an index from a diagnostic job name
-Added a ‘ValueCAN3’ mode for VCAN4-1 and 4-2 to emulate older
-Added a warning popup that Data Cache Disk Streaming is not available in Vspy Trial
-Added a warning when trying to reflash devices over Ethernet that don’t support it
-Added an option in ECUs view under Diagnostic Services to enter the first Dynamic DID # for $2C ISO14229 Jobs
-Added an Undo button in Graphical Panels
-Added full-device encryption (for supported newer devices)
-Added LED Control to the API
-Added LIN Support for RAD-Galaxy
-Added more controls to control playback function blocks while online
-Added partial support for SOME/IP (Properties are Read-Only for right now, full control is coming)
-Added support and validation for State Encoded ranges
-Added support for CCP/XCP event capture decimation
-Added support for Hardware Acceleration for ISO15765-2 Tx messages
-Added support for neoRAD-IO2
-Added support for RAD/IO 2 for use with a Fire2 over USB
-Added support for RAD-Pluto
-Added support for the CAN-FD EDL bit in CCIF
-Added support for video rendering from multiple AVB packet sources
-Added support for Visual Studio 2019 to C Code Interface
-Added the ability to allow retransmitting on PC Ethernet from an OP-BR network message
-Added the ability to disable the CAN-FD mode (and force CAN 2.0 only) on each CAN network
-Added the ability to have Ethernet Receive Messages be retransmitted on a selected PC Ethernet Device
-Added the ability to see what files are present on a card before extracting in Extract / Export
-Added the ability to specify a temp log directory to allow for easier file conversions on locked down (corporate) PCs
-Added the option for trying TCP before UDP in the Video View for network cameras
-App Signals in Signal List now update if you change the application signal name
-AVB Stream IDs now show in Hex instead of DEC
-BLFs with Ethernet Data are now supported
-Camera Filters now opens Video as the default tab
-Copyright information updated to 2019. Happy New Year!
-CoreMini playback blocks now support Long Frames
-Data Analysis Background color now applies to the channel list as well
-Database Fixup now triggers correctly on Gateway Builder after modifying the platform
-DB entries can now be used to trigger function block steps
-Device wakeup time for Fire2 and Fire2VNET has been decreased.
-ECU Flasher View now has Copy / Paste buttons
-Ethernet filters now work in CoreMini on VLAN tagged frames
-Ethernet messages now will show an error on a Fire2 if the PHY is still booting when going online
-Expression Editor Properties box now resets if you select an item with less properties
-Extractor now notifies the user if the output path exceeds Windows file path character limit
-File > New now correctly deselects any internal VS3Zip platforms that were being used
-File > Review Buffer when reviewing data with video now automatically sets up a new camera
-Fire2 Network Activity LEDs now properly stop when going offline
-Fire2 Slave VNET can now be used in J2534 applications
-Fixed a Access Violation in ASC Import if the wrong type of networks were selected (i.e. LIN selected for a CAN Network)
-Fixed a bug in Data Analysis where editing an annotation would prevent it from being deleted
-Fixed a bug in Data Analysis where Zoom in and Undo Zoom didn’t work as expected
-Fixed a bug in Fire2 where if it was set as a CAN TimeSync Master, the messages would go out on the wrong network
-Fixed a bug Tx Panel signal value step wouldn’t increment correctly when the signal was Hex
-Fixed a bug when using a time based capture block and a message based capture block at the same time where the time based one would show an incorrect -remaining time
-Fixed a bug where a Fire2VNET wasn’t able to connect if the Performance Blast Test was enabled
-Fixed a bug where a TextAPI command returned ‘Professional License needed’ while online with Enterprise license
-Fixed a bug where an app signal would reset after pasting a graphical panel item
-Fixed a bug where application signals couldn’t have a negative initial value
-Fixed a bug where ARXML Mappings weren’t shown after loading a VS3Zip
-Fixed a bug where calculated Application Signal Arrays only worked on the first signal
-Fixed a bug where certain Fire2s wouldn’t boot if an SD Card was inserted
-Fixed a bug where changing the Logged Frame Camera Number didn’t affect the capture data correctly
-Fixed a bug where CoreMini compiler couldn’t compile required files for Read Data or Load Message Data properly
-Fixed a bug where duplicate connections would show in the AVB controller
-Fixed a bug where Ethernet frames logged by neoVI Plasma or ION weren’t unwrapped when sent from a RAD-Star2
-Fixed a bug where ISO9141 Tx and Rx would show as errors if the hardware checksum was disabled
-Fixed a bug where modifying an Application Signal Array Index via Graphical Panel wasn’t updating values correctly
-Fixed a bug where neoECU20s would throw a hardware license error
-Fixed a bug where Network property CANFD Bit rate would read out an incorrect number
-Fixed a bug where RAD-Galaxy would lock up under extremely high message rates
-Fixed a bug where RAD-Star2 OP-BR networks would report backwards
-Fixed a bug where SoAd Security Unlock wasn’t working correctly
-Fixed a bug where sometimes CoreMini would calculate the incorrect size if the device didn’t respond fast enough
-Fixed a bug where sometimes TextAPI commands wouldn’t work after changing directory
-Fixed a bug where the Explorer setting ‘IFS Shift Register’ wasn’t working properly for Fire2 and Fire2VNET
-Fixed a bug where the Extractor would hang if the SD card was exactly full, but not overlapped
-Fixed a bug where the network selector could get stuck open
-Fixed a bug where uncompressed BLF files couldn’t be read by Vehicle Spy
-Fixed a bug where ValueCAN.rf wouldn’t be able to connect to 3G Explorer if it was booted with no USB connected
-Fixed a bug where VCAN4-2 would show a negative timestamp for periodic CoreMini Txs
-Fixed a bug where VehicleScapeDAQ Channel lists wouldn’t save correctly in certain setups
-Fixed a bug where VS3Zips with no platform would attempt to load the previously used platform
-Fixed a bug where VSSAL Pre/Post with a neoVI MOTE wasn’t working correctly with an ION / Plasma
-Fixed a bug where VSSAL XCPoE wasn’t working correctly in CoreMini
-Fixed a bug where XCPoE would stop updating a channel value if XCP Event was used for Priority
-Fixed a bug with Fire2 Ethernet where it would not link if Ethernet Auto Negotiation was off
-Fixed a bug with Gateway Builder when forwarding ISO15765-2 frames with Extended Addressing
-Fixed a CAPL Conversion crash with certain setups
-Fixed a CoreMini bug where the ‘Ignore Tx Messages’ flag wasn’t being honored properly
-Fixed a couple of boxes with scrollbars that weren’t working with the mouse wheel
-Fixed a couple of invalid errors being reported in the Gateway Builder
-Fixed a couple of old text boxes from where the highest license level was Professional, not Enterprise
-Fixed a crash when using the Action Button File Dialog in a directory with a high amount of folders
-Fixed a crash with certain setups
-Fixed a dropdown box being cut off in ISO14229 job $2C
-Fixed a duplicate signal name in a neoVI network message
-Fixed a Fire2 device lockup when flashing multiple ECUs in parallel
-Fixed a GUI text cutoff in BitSmash when neoVIServer was on
-Fixed a GUI Text cutoff in neoVI Explorer for LIN1-5 advanced options
-Fixed a neoVI Server crash if the device finder was failing
-Fixed a persistent error message when leaving a blank space in a TCP/IP MAC Address
-Fixed a precision loss when using application signals calculated on timers
-Fixed a sporadic crash with extremely large setups
-Fixed a typo in ECUs View for the extended addressing popup text
-Fixed a typo in the word ‘Output’ in Gateway Builder
-Fixed a unintended save loop when adding a new platform to a setup containing an A2L MEP setup
-Fixed an A2L import issue when the protocol layer was defined twice
-Fixed an Access Violation if using File New while editing a Column Filter in the Messages View
-Fixed an Access Violation in the ECU Setup Wizard
-Fixed an Access Violation in the MEP Value Editor when using Right Click > Edit Formula
-Fixed an access violation on a specific SRP message
-Fixed an Access Violation when adding a PTP message with VLAN from the Messages View to the Messages Editor
-Fixed an Access Violation when adding an .IMG file to a playback block and saving
-Fixed an Access Violation when Ctrl+Dragging multiple channels in VehicleScapeDAQ Channels tab
-Fixed an Access Violation when going online with certain VS3 setups
-Fixed an Access Violation when running a specific MEP Setup
-Fixed an Access Violation when using a File Camera in Simulation Mode
-Fixed an Access Violation when using a Gate Filter on Video View
-Fixed an Access Violation when using Signal List in certain situations
-Fixed an EEFACE error and crash on certain setups
-Fixed an installer glitch where the Data Directory would default to C:\Program Files instead of C:\IntrepidCS
-Fixed an unintentional problem log when switching an application signal from Analog to State Encoded
-Fixed Application Signal Folders creating errors when made into a VS3EXE
-Fixed Auto-Detect Hardware not working correctly if Selected Devices was used previously
-Fixed Bitmap buttons to not invert colors when adding bitmaps
-Fixed certain .DAT files not loading correctly in Data Analysis
-Fixed certain K-Line messages showing timestamp as 2007/01/01
-Fixed CoreMini Compiler to work faster when compiling manual multiplexing messages
-Fixed CoreMini console using full CPU % when connected to certain devices
-Fixed Data Analysis’ ‘X Axis Input Dialog’ help button not being linked correctly
-Fixed Fire2 PCB Serial Number not showing in neoVI Explorer Product Details
-Fixed Fire2 Product Details being incorrect when neoVI Server is enabled
-Fixed Fire2 Slave B Vnets reporting version as 0.0 when neoVIServer was enabled
-Fixed Function Block LED Control not working correctly with VCAN4-2EL and VCAN4-4
-Fixed Galaxy Hardware Time Sync not working correctly over CAN
-Fixed Hardware COM Latency Test not working on Fire / FireVNET, and not clearing when loading defaults
-Fixed Load Default Settings not disabling Sleep Mode for Fire2 / Fire2VNET
-Fixed Log Data Function blocks using the .htm format saving two files instead of 1
-Fixed neoVI Explorer not reshowing when clicking the icon after minimizing the program
-Fixed Network popup not showing when playing back a .IMG file
-Fixed One-shot CAN messages not working when using a Function Block on a Fire2SlaveVNET
-Fixed overlapping text in the LDF Tool
-Fixed PC Logging’s Invalid Signal handling not working correctly with Log All Updates
-Fixed Problem logs displaying DAQ names when | was used in the DAQ name
-Fixed RAD-Galaxy not answering J2534 Read_VBATT correctly
-Fixed RAD-Galaxy not being visible on certain PCs on initial device bootup
-Fixed RAD-Galaxy not flashing using J2534 on SWCAN correctly
-Fixed RAD-Galaxy not working correctly with MIC2
-Fixed setups that had the old Video Frames Review page causing errors when loaded into newer versions
-Fixed Signal List not working properly for Camera properties
-Fixed some latency and crashes when attempting to compile a CoreMini with Slave Playback blocks
-Fixed Spy Networks > Simulator sending disabled messages if ‘Simulate Transmit Messages for Selected ECUs’ was enabled
-Fixed Text Array calculated Application Signals not updating correctly
-Fixed the capture block ‘For a length of time’ not working correctly
-Fixed the DAQ Property ‘Is Running’ from not reporting correctly
-Fixed the Data Analysis Copy button not working on a secondary monitor
-Fixed the Data Analysis data grid table not updating immediately after deselecting a signal
-Fixed the Data Analysis Strike-through text option not working
-Fixed the ‘Edit Transmit Message Button’ on Tx Panel not going to the correct message
-Fixed the Extractor’s notes.txt file showing a blank network name instead of ‘LSFT CAN2’
-Fixed the Function Block Text API command ‘showview 0’ causing Vehicle Spy to lock up
-Fixed the generic flasher not setting flashers to ‘stop’ when going offline
-Fixed the Graph Starting Location toolbar to update with the scroll bar properly in Data Analysis
-Fixed the Logging using Capture Device command from creating duplicate frames
-Fixed the Networks Databases left-side list disappearing after double clicking a network
-Fixed the Saving to Disk icon not disappearing after using a Pre / Post capture block
-Fixed the Search results in Expression Builder not showing Diagnostic Job Signals
-Fixed the VehicleScapeDAQ Channels search box not accepting capital letters
-Fixed the video properties Axis Camera IP Address and Request URI property not showing the correct value
-Fixed the X axis label and timestamps from overlapping into the Channel list in Data Analysis
-Fixed two help buttons in Data Analysis Text Edit options that weren’t working correctly
-Fixed Use Setup Baud Rates not working correctly on Fire2Slave VNET
-Fixed VCAN3 Autobaud not being changeable if neoVI Server was on.
-Fixed Video Extracting not working correctly
-Fixed VividCAN’s ‘Network Stats’ from throwing an error if a FB command to control the selectable CAN was used
-Fixed VS3Zips not allowing platform changes
-Fixed VSB to PCAP conversion causing Wireshark to show negative timestamps
-Galaxy no longer fails reflashing if it’s being spammed by external Ethernet traffic
-Gateway Builder Exclusions column height is now no longer adjustable
-Gateway Builder is now enabled by default
-Gateway Builder message and signal size mismatches now are warnings instead of errors
-Gateway Builder Network Selector now sorts correctly
-Gateway Builder now has a ‘Swap networks’ button to quickly switch input and output networks
-Gateway builder now remembers the last used network
-Gateway expressions now have the ability to cap a min/max
-Gateway items can now be reordered
-Gateways will now work correctly with Database Fixup
-Implemented a default logger mode in ION and Fire2 that will automatically start logging after 60s if no script is present (Option is in neoVI Explorer)
-In Function Blocks, selecting the Filter bar now hides the bottom bar (this prevents having a view open with no FB selected, causing an Access Violation)
-J2534 API now supports more than 2 channels for flashing at a time for RAD-Galaxy
-Joysticks now support up to 6 axis
-Made a few changed to the Extractor to make it faster
-Messages Editor > Extra Bytes > Import no longer crashes if fed a file with only 1 value
-Messages View Erase button now clears the Details pane as well
-Messages View Filter Bar Labels no longer disappear when pressing the ‘Home’ key
-Modifying Messages View Column settings now triggers the ‘Need to Save’ flag
-neoVI Explorer and the networks view no longer show unsupported baud rates
-neoVI Explorer can now connect to a device to read settings, even if a device is already connected and online using neoVI Server
-neoVI Explorer no longer shows MiscIO settings for the neoOBD2Sim
-neoVI Explorer now writes temporary files into your Data directory instead of program location
-Network Error Count now works in CoreMini
-Network Stream Cameras in Graphical Panels now show video even if the Video View is closed
-Networks view ‘Restore Program Defaults’ now triggers the Need to Save flag
-ODX, CDD, and ARXML importers now properly import State ranges
-Open / Listening TCP connections can now manually be closed from the TCP/IP UI
-Optimized parts of the RAD-Galaxy and RAD-Star2 Firmware
-Packet Sniffer Cameras now load much faster when going online
-Plasma / ION Android setup no longer lets you attempt to connect if a Plasma or Ion is not connected
-Platform View now loads in as selecting the first CAN Network (instead of none)
-Problem Logs are now shown if a ‘Read Data’ step is set up without an Application Signal
-RAD-Star2 now has CoreMini support
-Removed two unused dropdown menus in Data Analysis
-Rewrote the Frame Dissector in Messages View Details Pane to allow custom Wireshark LUA dissectors
-rnd() now works with values other than 1 in both VSpy and CoreMini
-Save Platform Changes button and icon now blink in sync
-SD Cards larger than 256GB are now supported for Fire2 and Fire2VNET devices
-Setting Baud Rate by Function Blocks now works in Plasma / ION with the Fire2VNET
-SOMEI/P properties are accessible in both Function Blocks and CCIF (Read-Only for now)
-The CCIF define ‘CAN_ID_EXTENDED_MASK’ now uses the correct mask
-The Exporter is now significantly faster
-The Logon view’s controls were realigned and now look much cleaner
-Tx Panel ArbID for 11-bit messages now no longer accepts values above 0x7FF
-Updated neoVI Server to better support future devices
-Updated the Function Block Commands ‘Load Message Data’ to use the new Message Selector
-Updated the Function Block Commands ‘Test DTC’ and ‘Clear Stats’ to use the new Message Selector
-Updated the J2534 DLL to allow DoIP communication
-Use Logged Frames’ in the Video view now defaults as Off
-VCAN4-1, 4-2, 4-2EL, and 4-4 now can use the IFS Shift Register setting in Explorer
-Vehicle Spy can now extract VCAN.rf VSEB files off of removed SD cards
-VehicleScapeDAQ Channels Tab now has a tree style selector
-VividCAN can now support and decode J1939 BAM messages
-When creating a new collection in VehicleScapeDAQ, the new collection type will be the same as the previous
-When using LIN in the Gateway builder, the outbound message type (Master, Slave, Header Only) can now be changed by the user