by Zhou.zhengwei | Nov 7, 2019 | 新闻动态
Vehicle Spy3新版发布了,如下是Release notes,如需Vehicle Spy3软件升级服务可联系: icsshenzhen@intrepidcs.com或者致电0755-82723212获得咨询。 新版本下载地址请点击软件下载页面获得。 -Fixed abnormal terminations when connecting to specific ECU’s using XCP over Ethernet-Fixed an issue with message decodings in the...
by Zhou.zhengwei | Aug 19, 2019 | 新闻动态
Vehicle Spy3新版发布了,如下是Release notes,如需Vehicle Spy3软件升级服务可联系: icsshenzhen@intrepidcs.com或者致电0755-82723212获得咨询。 新版本下载地址请点击软件下载页面获得。 Vehicle Spy 3 version to release notes -Fixed VividCAN Characters being replaced with `~` when deployed with 3.9.0-Fixed...
by Zhou.zhengwei | Apr 23, 2019 | 新闻动态
ICS SHENZHEN的VehicleSpy3教程微信小程序资料库上线了,具有如下功能: 查看英特佩斯最新产品VehicleSpy3软件使用的文档诀窍VehicleSpy3软件视频文档英特佩斯新闻动态...