April 30, 2019, Rochester Michigan
Lidar, Radar and SerDes.
More Vehicle Networks Than Ever.
You have more challenges than ever…
Find solutions here.
We are pleased to invite you to Intrepid Tech Day 2019. This year’s event will be held on April 30th at Oakland University’s Engineering Center. We’ll be covering topics including Autonomy, Visualizations, Cybersecurity, CAN FD, Automotive Ethernet, SerDes Cameras and Sensors, Data Logging, and much more.
Learn from experts about the latest in vehicle networking and embedded tools technologies and solutions. Listen to informative presentations and participate in hands-on demos to see how you can launch new projects and improve your existing ones.
Vehicle Spy Lab
The VSpy Lab will offer one-on-one guided tutorials to walk you through some of our most common tech support questions. Our support team will be onsite to answer questions related to the labs and also about Vehicle Spy in general. VSpy Lab stations will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Feel free to ask for hands-on assistance specific to your needs.
Face-to-Face Consultations
While at Tech Day, bring your project and your questions! Intrepid experts will be available for personal, one-on-one help in a private setting. Get help with Vehicle Spy, Intrepid hardware setups, or get more details about topics covered during the Tech Day presentations. We are happy to discuss new technologies or to help you find solutions to problems you are currently facing.

Dave Robins
President & Founder

Don Hatfield
Director of Global Sales

Christopher Zbozien
Director of Business Development

Jeffrey Quesnelle
Director of Software Development

Samir Bhagwat
Director of Engineering Services

Jeff Warra
Director of Autonomous Platform Solutions

John Simon
Product Application Manager

Joseph Supinsky
Sales/Support Engineer

Jay Chung
Product Application Manager

Arpan Rughani
Technical Evangelist

John Mitchell
Product Application Manager

David Curry
Sales/Support Engineer

Robert Leale
Sales/Support Engineer

Rob Pilat
Sales/Support Engineer
Tuesday April, 30
8:00AM – 8:30AM
Attendee Registration – Continental Breakfast Served
8:30AM – 9:00AM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Follow the Money -- Latest Challenges in the Automotive Industry and how they are affecting OEMs, customers and YOU
Environmental quality, dependence on petroleum, the decline in auto sales and changing consumer requirements are driving fundamental changes at the auto makers. Just follow the money and you see investments in autonomy, shaving payrolls in ICE powertrain and electric vehicles on the mind of many governments. All of these changes are driving monumental changes to our vehicle network architectures. These changes require new toolsets and new approaches. Get a whirlwind tour of the Intrepid’s new software and vehicle networks tools to meet the challenge
9:00AM - 9:30AM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Wait! I Only Have a 1TB Drive!?! Welcome to the Age of Autonomous Vehicle Logging
In the days of J1850, one could easily log an entire month of data on a 512 MB memory card. With the advent of electric and hybrid vehicles, one could log an entire shift of data from a vehicle. Autonomous vehicles produce on the order of 5-10 Gb per second! That could fill your laptop in minutes! How do you deal with logging Terabytes of data? Are the days of “sneaker-net” back again? This presentation will provide a look into SerDes sensors, LIDAR, RADAR and autonomous architectures, and how to log data from these sensors/architectures.
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Cut the Cord -- Advances in gathering data remotely from your captive test fleet and remote test benches
Gathering data manually is labor intensive, and getting the vehicle in hand is a challenge. With the financial pressures to reduce a captive test fleet, this only amplifies the issues. Whether you have a large fleet or a small fleet, or remote test benches, we discuss the challenges of remote data capture and providing solutions to connect wirelessly to your vehicles.
10:00AM – 10:30AM
Coffee Break
10:30AM – 11:00AM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Automotive Ethernet PHY Linking: The Missing Link! (Joint Presentation by Keysight and Intrepid Control Systems)
Those familiar with Automotive Ethernet know that each connection has a “master” and “slave”, and this refers to how they link together. But few fully understand the process of PHY linking and what it can mean for you. This presentation will provide a full overview of the linking process.
11:00AM – 11:30AM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Vehicle Spy X -- Vehicle Spy as a cross-platform solution (macOS / Linux / Web / Windows)
The world does not revolve around Windows alone. If you are in autonomy or using ROS, or have been a lifelong Apple user, you have probably wished for a Vehicle Spy for Linux or macOS. Finally, your wishes are beginning to come true. Come get a sneak peak at Vehicle Spy X, the evolution of Vehicle Spy a true cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, web) solution with a fully scriptable Python interface.
11:30AM – 12:00PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Amazon AWS IoT Connected vehicles for low cost data capture (Joint presentation by Amazon AWS and Intrepid Control Systems)
A customizable low-cost vehicle network interface is often desired in enabling various consumer and after-market applications. Those devices usually come in the form of an OBDII dongle, but the existing products on the market pose numerous limitations. There are only a few devices that support custom programming capability and even a fewer devices that allow in-software access to raw data across multiple types of vehicle networks. Even with the right hardware, addressing scalability, reliability, and security can be difficult when deploying connected vehicle solutions. Join us and learn how Intrepid’s neoOBD2 line of wireless interfaces, powered by rich set of AWS services, enables a cost-efficient and reliable way for you to quickly develop, deploy, and manage your own custom connected vehicle solutions.
12:00PM – 1:00PM
1:00PM – 1:30PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Autonomous Sensors and Soft Displays: RADAR, LIDAR, and SerDes Cameras
ADAS features and autonomous vehicles now require a host of new sensors. Familiarize yourself with radars such as SRR, MRR and LRR, lidar, SerDes cameras such as GMSL and FPD Link, and the toolset needed to analyze and store data from these sensors.
1:00PM – 1:30PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
CAN Fuzzing - What it is, what it can do and why you need to do it!
“Fuzzing” is the process of sending large amounts of random or pseudo-random data on the bus to find potential vulnerabilities. Many cybersecurity trainees get their first exposure to Vehicle Spy by creating some function block scripts to fuzz on CAN or otherwise brute-force potential diagnostic requests. Vehicle Spy R3D is Intrepid’s first full-feature CAN fuzzing tool, implemented to perform OEM-level pen test/vuln testing functions. Get an overview of fuzzing, various techniques used in vulnerability testing, and the new automation for these tests in Vehicle Spy R3D. Future plans for Ethernet fuzzing will also be discussed.
1:35PM – 2:05PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Media Converters for Automotive Ethernet & Applications in Testing / Validation
Connecting your PC’s NIC to an Automotive Ethernet ECU is just one of the applications for a media converter. But it’s certainly not the only one. What happens when you need to connect mismatched data rates? Convert a managed switch into 100/1000BASE-T1? Create a new port with a USB to Automotive Ethernet dongle? Take a look at the various use cases for media converters, and some unique products that can save you time and money.
1:35PM – 2:05PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
Verifying and Understanding AUTOSAR ARXML Databases -- Revealing the Mystery
Gain a clearer understanding of ARXML based network communications is critical for working on new generation vehicle architectures. Learn how to view, edit and analyze about AUTOSAR ARXML files for vehicle network communication (CAN/CANFD, LIN, Ethernet, FlexRay). Understand the differences between legacy networks (e.g. DBC, LDF files) and AUTOSAR based architectures for vehicle database matrix.
2:10PM – 2:40PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Active Taps -- When You Need a "Man In The Middle"
Latency testing is impossible when adding switches into your DUT. You cannot depend on the Windows clock and freeware to give you a reliable measurement. When troubleshooting, techniques like “divide and conquer” are difficult when introducing a switch — is the switch dropping the packet? If so, why? Sometimes, you really need to know when a frame “hits the wire”. All of these problems are solved with an active tap. Learn how active taps work, and how they are used in these applications and more.
2:10PM – 2:40PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
Analog I/O with Intrepid's RAD IO 2 Series -- An Open System for Analog IO
Many analog I/O solutions like to “entangle” you in their toolchain, leaving your pocketbook even lighter. They love to charge you extra for the isolation you need. What if we told you that you can have an open system and you can get it at a much lower price? See how the RAD IO 2 Open I/O solution provides channel-to-channel isolation at an affordable price.
2:40AM – 2:55AM
Coffee Break
2:55PM – 3:25PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Switches for Automotive Ethernet -- Use Cases for the RAD-Pluto and RAD-Jupiter
From prototyping, filtering and re-routing, subnets and VLAN tagging and untagging, switches for Automotive Ethernet are a useful tool in your arsenal. Learn about the use cases for the NXP-based RAD-Pluto for 100BASE-T1 and Marvell-based RAD-Jupiter for 100/1000BASE-T1 networks.
2:55PM – 3:25PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
Making Networks "Play Nice With Each Other" -- How to program a custom gateway without spending $20K+
Old test equipment and benches may not be compatible with your next generation. So what do you do when your dyno works with the old protocol but can’t support the new protocol? Can your testing support the massive data rates in contemporary vehicle networks? No worries! Use your neoVI as a high-performance embedded gateway. Make a stand-alone “translator”, “custom gateway”, decryption device, or filter. Translate between CAN and CAN FD, CAN and LIN, or even CAN and Ethernet!
3:30PM – 4:00PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
SOME/IP - A Service Oriented Architecture
Ethernet and TCP/IP were not developed with the automotive use case in mind. Therefore, we need to have some “middleware” that bridges between TCP/IP and the services we need to access and control in the vehicle. Service Oriented MiddlewarE over IP or SOME/IP bridges this gap. It provides a messaging header and payload between devices, a way to make requests and get responses, and to discover/manage services. Think of it as the equivalent of a “last mile delivery”. We will provide an overview of what SOME/IP is, and how to work with it.
3:30PM – 4:00PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
We got all the data... NOW WHAT?!? Automated Analysis of Data with Integrated Post Anaysis (IPA) and DataSpy
Often our engineering efforts focus on getting all the potentially useful data. But that amounts to a huge “haystack” which we must sift through to find that “needle”. You need a 21st century solution, one that can automatically process the data and present reports to share throughout your organization. You need IPA and DataSpy. See an overview and demonstration of processing datasets of 1+ TB in just a few seconds.
4:05PM – 4:35PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Advances in ECU Flashing Solutions
Flashing ECUs within Vehicle Spy has been long absent. At the same time, new methods have been developed for our changing architectures. Not only flashing via DoIP and SoAd are now possible, a new Flash View has been created to allow you to quickly create flash “recipes” for flashing ECUs. This presentation will provide an overview of how to flash via Vehicle Spy, expanded to include more use cases.
4:05PM – 4:35PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
Run Embedded C Code on a neoVI -- The nuts and bolts of using the Intrepid Security Module and C-Code Interface on the neoVI Fire 2
Cybersecurity, gateways and other advanced solutions require more than Function Blocks and far faster performance. The neoVI Fire 2 and other Intrepid products have the capability to embed C Code directly into the neoVI. This provides HIL-like performance at a fraction of the cost. Take a tour of how you can write your own C code and target it into the neoVI Fire 2 series.
4:40PM – 5:10PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Ethernet Connections in VSpy -- Quickly create and work with UDP and TCP Client/Server connections
Testing and validating vehicle networks is hard enough! You don’t want to create your own TCP server within Vehicle Spy. Good news, we already did all the work for you. Using Vehicle Spy for Ethernet simulations is deceptively simple. Learn more about how to create UDP frames and TCP clients and servers within Vehicle Spy.
4:40PM – 5:10PM
EC 256, 2nd Floor
VSpy Can Control Your Test Too! Instrument Control using VSpy
Vehicle Spy has the ability to control devices with a SCPI interface. Get a quick overview of how this is done, and how seamless you can integrate your control into Vehicle Spy. Leverage Vehicle Spy’s power with vehicle networks and perform sophisticated automated tests.
Pizza / Talk
Oakland University Engineering Center
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